Ein Paar wandert durch die bunten Wälder im Thermenherbst in Bad Kleinkirchheim

Time for a break!

Your non-binding enquiry at Hotel Eschenhof

Ready for a holiday with a new sense of time? Simply make a non-binding enquiry and we will send you an offer in a flash!

Offer Headline

Go SLow - spring in the mountains

Spring awakening in the Nockberge mountains - always a special kind of natural spectacle. When the alpine rose blossom transforms the Nockberge Biosphere Park into a red carpet of colours, the loveliest time of the year begins.

from 378 €
per person
Information about your stay
Choose a room
Double Room Economy
1 – 2 persons
Double room Comfort
2 – 3 persons
24 - 32m²
Double Room Superior
2 – 3 persons
2 – 4 persons
38 - 43m²
Family-Appartment or combinations for families
3 – 6 persons
65 - 72m²
The selected room has fewer places than the previously selected room.
Your contact data